Message from the CEO
It is my great pleasure to introduce Landcom’s FY22 Sustainability Report. This year marks five years of us working towards the leadership goals and targets in our Sustainable Places Strategy.
Read moreOur Sustainable Places Strategy
Our Sustainable Places Strategy with four Leadership Goals guides the way we deliver new communities. Our FY22 performance for each part of our strategy is accessible below.

Climate Resilient Places
Enabling carbon neutral, water positive, zero waste and net positive ecological outcomes by 2028.
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Healthy &
Inclusive Places
Enhancing Landcom’s international status for delivering world class liveable places, founded on equity, affordability and inclusion by 2036.
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Contributing to the global innovation economy by enabling over 30,000 new jobs by 2036.
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Accountable &
Collaborative Places
Driving accountability and performance along our value chain.
Read moreFY22 Sustainability Performance Highlights
Transition Risk Scenario Analysis
In 2021 Landcom initiated a project to model the potential financial implications of selected climate-related transition risks under different scenarios over the next 20 years.
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Heat Resilient Communities
An ‘extreme risk’ of extreme heat is common to almost all Landcom sites, which is consistent with the top risks to Sydney identified by Resilient Sydney.
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Climate Active Journey
In alignment with the Department of Planning and Environment’s Net Zero Plan and broader support across government, Landcom continues to commit and demonstrate action towards enabling carbon neutral outcomes.
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Red Room Poetry
In May 2022, Landcom launched the first workshop with Red Room Poetry supporting their ‘Poem Forest’ program.
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Queenscliff Affordable Housing
Housing affordability is an issue right across the state, including the Northern Beaches. Landcom has partnered with Link Wentworth Housing Ltd (Link Wentworth) on the adaptive reuse of the former Queenscliff Community Health Centre into a small, low-scale development with affordable housing.
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Designing a new neighbourhood park and road at Hills Showground Station Precinct
During 2021, we led an extensive stakeholder and community consultation to guide the design of a new neighbourhood park and road in the Hills Showground Precinct.
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Lachlan’s Line and the Design Review Panel
Landcom has a strong legacy of delivering exemplary design. For over ten years, we have incorporated independent expert design review as a fundamental component of our project delivery process.
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New Approach to Research
Landcom’s new approach to research is purposefully designed to deliver on our Strategic Directions for housing, partnerships and affordability. The new approach prioritises outcomes-based research investments that help address gaps in how industry, academics and government are responding to key challenges in delivering affordable and sustainable housing.
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Creating A Spark
Recognising the need to support actions outside our direct sphere of control, Landcom is actively working with partners in government and industry to explore opportunities to decarbonise the built environment in NSW beyond the boundaries of our projects.
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Air Quality Journey
Air quality has been a priority for Landcom since the inception of our Sustainable Places Strategy.
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Landcom’s First Reconciliation Action Plan
Landcom finalised our very first Reflect Reconciliation Action Plan in FY22.
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Celebrating Five Years of our Sustainable Place Strategy

100% achievement across our urban heat island reduction, water sensitive urban design, climate resilience assessments and enabling onsite renewable energy targets

Released 1,607 affordable homes dwellings, including 279 Affordable Rental Housing releases, 2,557 diverse housing dwellings and 1528 home with universal design

Engaged over 25,800 students across our Skills Exchange and research program and invested over $2.8 million in research and development

Continued alignment with international frameworks and global best practice, including adopting the recommendations of the TCFDs, adopting a Human Rights Statement and launching our Reflect RAP

Landcom Places
See which projects are in scope to be reported on for FY22 and are how they map against each pillar of our Sustainable Places Strategy.
Our Management
How we manage, analyse and respond to our sustainable places strategy

Our Priority SDGs
Landcom is committed to supporting international agreements, protocols and targets to help ensure our planet and communities thrive into the future. As part of this commitment we report our contribution to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
SDG Goal & Target
Landcom Response

Goal 1: End poverty in all its forms everywhere
Target: By 2030, build the resilience of the poor and those in vulnerable situations and reduce their exposure and vulnerability to climate-related extreme events and other economic, social and environmental shocks and disasters
Landcom supports the ending of poverty through our mandate to provide Affordable Housing. We expand on this to ensure housing diversity and accessibility are addressed, for equity.
Healthy & Inclusive Places Targets
Deliver 10% Affordable Housing across the Landcom portfolio.
Deliver 15% diverse housing across our portfolio.
30% of medium to high density dwellings within all new projects to achieve Liveable Housing Australia Silver Certification (or equivalent).
Landcom further supports all community members, including the vulnerable, to increase their resilience to climate-related extremes and other shocks or stresses through our commitments to building resilience.
Climate Resilient Places Targets
All projects to prepare and implement an effective Climate Change Adaptation Plan; and Community Resilience Plan.
SDG Goal & Target
Landcom Response

Goal 2: End hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition and promote sustainable agriculture
Target: By 2030, end hunger and ensure access for all people, in particular the poor and people in vulnerable situations, including infants, to safe, nutritious and sufficient food all year round
Landcom is seeking ensure access to nutritious food by mandating the adoption of independent rating tools – such as Green Star Communities. Within these tools, we will aim to achieve all credits related to ‘access to fresh food’.
Climate Resilient Places Targets
All projects will adopt and use industry recognised rating tools at a masterplan and built form scale, achieving not less than ‘Australian Best Practice’ equivalent.
Healthy & Inclusive Places Targets
90% of residents report high quality public, active and sustainable transport options to key amenities, services, and employment.
SDG Goal & Target
Landcom Response

Goal 3: Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages
Target: By 2030, reduce by one third premature mortality from non-communicable diseases through prevention and treatment and promote mental health and well-being
Landcom is committed to ensuring our communities are mentally and physically well. We address this through the design of our communities, and through activities or programs we offer throughout the year. We then measure our ongoing success through direct engagement with the people living in our communities.
Healthy & Inclusive Places Targets
All projects provide design, programs or events that encourage active, social and healthy eating lifestyles, achieve 90% resident reported health and wellbeing.
All new projects are designed and delivered to achieve 90% resident satisfaction with public, active and sustainable transport options to key amenities, services, public transport and employment.
FY22 Landcom Community Development programs related to health, offered at various projects.
These included free fitness classes for adults through our partnership with Live Life Get Active, the Mind Masters mental resilience school engagement programs with National Theatre for Children and the Poem Forest Program in partnership with Red Room Poetry.
SDG Goal & Target
Landcom Response

Goal 4: Ensure inclusive and quality education for all and promote lifelong learning
Target: By 2030, substantially increase the number of youth and adults who have relevant skills, including technical and vocational skills, for employment, decent jobs and entrepreneurship
Landcom believes that equitable access to education and opportunities is an important part of delivering our communities. We address this through our targets and programs/activities offered at our projects.
Healthy & Inclusive Places Targets
Projects to engage and foster education, learning or employment outcomes via activities or initiatives, based on identified needs of the local and regional community.
Landcom launched the first workshop with Red Room Poetry supporting their ‘Poem Forest’ program. The program is a collaboration between Red Room Poetry and the Australian Botanical Gardens, supported by Landcom. The first program ran with Eagle Vale High School which is adjacent to Landcom’s Hillcroft community at Claymore.
Productive Places Targets
Projects to engage and foster education, learning or employment outcomes via activities or initiatives, based on identified needs of the local and regional community.
In FY22 Landcom continued our partnership with National Theatre for Children, which ran a number of educational workshops focused on building mental resilience to schools across Greater Sydney.
SDG Goal & Target
Landcom Response

Goal 5: Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls
Target: Ensure women’s full and effective participation and equal opportunities for leadership at all levels of decision making in political, economic and public life
Landcom is committed to diversity and inclusion, including the engagement of women and girls.
Accountable & Collaborative Places
Landcom is committed to providing a workplace culture that embraces equity, diversity and inclusion at all levels of our organisation enabling staff to thrive and do their best work.
FY22 Landcom continued to deliver against its Diversity & Inclusion Policy and Action Plan and provided Women in Leadership training to a new cohort of participants. This built upon a successful program in FY20.
SDG Goal & Target
Landcom Response

Goal 6: Ensure access to water and sanitation for all
Target: By 2030, substantially increase water-use efficiency across all sectors and ensure sustainable withdrawals and supply of freshwater to address water scarcity and substantially reduce the number of people suffering from water scarcity
Landcom recognises that water scarcity and drought are increasing issues for Australia. We’re committed to enhancing efficiency and reducing the unnecessary use of potable water, and ensuring water quality is not negatively impacted by our activities or the communities we build.
Climate Resilient Places Targets
Achieve water positive communities by 2028.
All projects modelled to reduce mains potable water demand by 50% at the precinct scale against a 2016 reference case.
BASIX 60 water target for all new dwellings within our development control.
Water Sensitive Urban Design strategy for all projects, pollutant discharge loads not to exceed Nitrogen 45, Phosphorus 65, Suspended Solids 85, Gross Pollutants 90.
SDG Goal & Target
Landcom Response

Goal 7: Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all
Target: By 2030, increase substantially the share of renewable energy in the global energy mix
Australia is privileged to have reliable energy sources, therefore Landcom’s focus is on enhancing efficiency, improving cost of living, and increasing the use of renewables.
Climate Resilient Places Targets
5% of predicted energy demand supplied from onsite renewable energy, where site constraints permit.
All new projects modelled to reduce Green House Gas (GHG) emissions at a precinct scale (transport & stationary) by 50% against 2016 reference case (CCAP PRECINX modelling).
In FY22 Landcom committed that all future communities where Landcom is the master developer will be delivered as all-electric. This is expected to drive a greater reduction in GHG emissions in the future.
In FY22 Landcom progressed research that encourages energy sharing for communities, businesses and local councils as well as research and implementation into smart energy precincts that are powered by 100% renewable sources.
SDG Goal & Target
Landcom Response

Goal 8: Promote inclusive and sustainable economic growth, employment and decent work for all
Target: Take immediate and effective measures to eradicate forced labour, end modern slavery and human trafficking and secure the prohibition and elimination of the worst forms of child labour, including recruitment and use of child soldiers, and by 2025 end child labour in all its forms
Landcom aims to support the Greater Sydney Commission objective to achieve a 30 minute city. We’re focused on ensuring land use diversity across our projects to promote jobs close to homes.
We are also committed to identifying any risks of modern slavery or human rights infringements within our operations or supply chain, and taking action.
Productive Places Targets
Enable 30,000 enduring jobs by 2036.
In FY22 Landcom Engaged over 7,300 students across our Skills Exchange, research and excursion programs and invested $135,928 in research and development.
Accountable & Collaborative Priorities
Landcom’s Human Rights Statement is publicly available and addresses our expectations and approach to upholding and managing human rights.
In FY19 Landcom became a Participant to the United Nations Global Compact, committing to embed the 10 Principles in our operations.
In FY20 we advanced our approach to Modern Slavery, with a focus on specific risks related to labour hire through our supply chain.
In FY21 we adopted a Human Rights Statement that is publicly available and made substantial progress against our Modern Slavery Management Plan dealing specifically with labour and material risks within our supply chain.
In FY22 Landcom rolled out updated modern slavery compliance training to all staff and implemented mandatory supplier training on modern slavery through the Supply Chain School.
SDG Goal & Target
Landcom Response

Goal 9: Build resilient infrastructure, promote sustainable industrialization and foster innovation
Target: Develop quality, reliable, sustainable and resilient infrastructure, including regional and transborder infrastructure, to support economic development and human well-being, with a focus on affordable and equitable access for all
Landcom is committed to delivering and enabling resilient infrastructure and communities. We address this through our Climate Resilient Places targets, such as mandating resilience risk assessments and adaptation plans, adopting independent rating tools and pushing for highly efficient buildings.
Climate Resilient Places Targets
All projects will adopt and use industry recognized rating tools at a masterplan and built form scale, achieving not less than ‘Australian Best Practice’ equivalent.
Above standard NABERS and BASIX building ratings.
All projects to prepare and implement an effective Climate Change Adaptation Plan; and Community Resilience Plan.
Productive Places Targets
All new greenfield or regional communities provide electric vehicle chargers to service a minimum 10% total dwellings as either publicly accessible or for private use.
All new urban renewal or high density communities provide a minimum 10% parking yield, per parking lot, as electric vehicle charge station ‘turn-key’ ready at development completion.
All key open spaces to have free wifi.
SDG Goal & Target
Landcom Response

Goal 10: Reduce inequality within and among countries
Target: By 2030, empower and promote the social, economic and political inclusion of all, irrespective of age, sex, disability, race, ethnicity, origin, religion or economic or other status
We are focused on ensuring equity and inclusion across the communities we are delivering, which is why we measure satisfaction with quality of life from our residents through our Healthy & Inclusive Places Survey. This information helps us identify areas to improve the social and economic inclusion of all members in our communities.
Healthy & Inclusive Places Target
Achieve 90% resident satisfaction with quality of life, as measured by the Personal Wellbeing Index.
Healthy & Inclusive Places Priority
Identify opportunities to positively impact diversity, inclusion and accessibility.
Landcom offers Community Development programs for a broad range of interests and needs, offered at various projects.
Our Healthy & Inclusive Places survey also measures satisfaction with quality of life and seeks to understand any underlying inequalities within our communities so that we may address these either through design, engagement or our community development offerings.
Productive Places Targets
Measure and report annual investment in research and development supporting our strategy principles of fostering a sustainable environment, driving social equity, enabling an innovative economy and advancing responsible governance.
Projects to engage and foster education, learning or employment outcomes, based on identified needs of the local and regional community.
Engaged over 7,300 students across our Skills Exchange, research and excursion programs.
Accountable & Collaborative Places
FY19 Landcom adopted its Diversity & Inclusion Policy, and established a staff led Diversity & Inclusion working group. In FY22 we continued to deliver against the Policy and Diversity & Inclusion Action Plan.
SDG Goal & Target
Landcom Response

Goal 11: Make cities inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable
Target: By 2030, ensure access for all to adequate, safe and affordable housing and basic services
Target: By 2030, provide universal access to safe, inclusive and accessible, green and public spaces, in particular for women and children, older persons and persons with disabilities
Landcom’s objective is to deliver affordable and sustainable communities. We do this through our commitments to sustainability, housing affordability and diversity, and the provision of parks and open spaces throughout our communities – that are safe and equitable.
Healthy & Inclusive Places Targets
Deliver 10% Affordable Housing across the Landcom portfolio.
Deliver 15% diverse housing across our portfolio.
30% of medium to high density dwellings within all new projects to achieve Liveable Housing Australia Silver Certification (or equivalent).
Achieve a culture of safety throughout our organisation and on all Landcom projects, striving to achieve 90% overall community safety score at our projects.
During FY22 all projects within our business development portfolio, or active projects undertaking masterplanning or reviewing design and delivery options, presented to the Design Review Panel.
The panel provides expert review of projects, including the consideration of how to achieve accessible, affordable and safe design outcomes.
Climate Resilient Places Targets
20-50% of the total project site area, in plan view, is comprised of building or landscape elements that reduce the impact of urban heat island effect.
SDG Goal & Target
Landcom Response

Goal 12: Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns
Target: By 2030, substantially reduce waste generation through prevention, reduction, recycling and reuse
Landcom has maintained a waste diversion from landfill target for many years. We continue to see our most material contribution to the Sustainable Development Goal as ensuring unnecessary construction waste does not end up in landfill, but is recycled or reused.
Climate Resilient Places Targets
All new projects divert minimum 95% construction waste from landfill (excluding contamination or hazardous materials).
100% timber used in construction is FSC certified (or equivalent).
SDG Goal & Target
Landcom Response

Goal 13: Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts
Target: Strengthen resilience and adaptive capacity to climate-related hazards and natural disasters in all countries
Landcom developed the Sustainable Places Strategy with the Sustainable Development Goals and Paris Agreement at front of mind. Our entire Strategy is focused on combatting climate change and its impacts, and building community resilience to climate induced shocks and stresses.
Climate Resilient Places Targets
All targets found in this pillar of Landcom’s Sustainable Places Strategy.
SDG Goal & Target
Landcom Response

Goal 14: Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources
Target: By 2025, prevent and significantly reduce marine pollution of all kinds, in particular from land-based activities, including marine debris and nutrient pollution
Climate Resilient Places Targets
Water Sensitive Urban Design strategy for all projects, pollutant discharge loads not to exceed Nitrogen 45, Phosphorus 65, Suspended Solids 85, Gross Pollutants 90.
SDG Goal & Target
Landcom Response

Goal 15: Sustainably manage forests, combat desertification, halt and reverse land degradation, halt biodiversity loss
Target: Take urgent and significant action to reduce the degradation of natural habitats, halt the loss of biodiversity and, by 2020, protect and prevent the extinction of threatened species
One of Landcom’s leadership goals is to ensure net positive ecological outcomes across our portfolio. We address this through the conservation or enhancement of biodiversity and ecological communities at our projects, and encouraging responsible materials sourcing in our supply chain.
Climate Resilient Places
All new projects enhance the local habitat, biodiversity or ecological communities, compared with the site conditions pre-development.
100% timber used in construction is FSC certified (or equivalent).
Continued our partnership with the Sustainability Supply Chain School.
In FY22 a total of 249.41ha of biodiversity will be protected and restored by National Parks, local councils or other entities aligned with legislative guidelines.
SDG Goal & Target
Landcom Response

Goal 16: Promote just, peaceful and inclusive societies
Target: Ensure responsive, inclusive, participatory and representative decision-making at all levels
Landcom seeks to advance inclusion and participation within and across communities through our Community Development and Welcome Programs, by sourcing data through our Healthy & Inclusive Places Survey, and between staff within our organisation.
Healthy & Inclusive Places Targets
Achieve 90% resident reported community cohesion across all new projects, by fostering the integration of community networks and facilities.
Healthy & Inclusive Places Priorities
Identify opportunities to positively impact diversity, inclusion and accessibility.
Accountable & Collaborative Places Priority
In FY19 Landcom became a Participant to the United Nations Global Compact, committing to embed the 10 Principles in our operations. We also completed a Human Rights Salience Assessment, prioritising our three human rights focus areas for FY20, and launched our Human Rights Statement in FY21.
SDG Goal & Target
Landcom Response

Goal 17: Revitalize the global partnership for sustainable development
Target: Encourage and promote effective public, public-private and civil society partnerships, building on the experience and resourcing strategies of partnerships
Landcom is committed to promoting effective public, public-private and civil society partnerships and engagement. Our main framework to support this is our Join-In Framework, aligned with the IAP2, and dedicated to meaningful engagement.
Healthy & Inclusive Places Targets
All new projects to conform to the community engagement policy, Join-In Framework, aligned to industry best practice for stakeholder engagement practice.
Accountable & Collaborative Places Priority
Work with industry to upskill our supply chain on sustainability issues (e.g. through partnership with Supply Chain Sustainability School), for example Modern Slavery training for all Landcom staff.
We also partner with the Property Council of Australia for the Modern Slavery Supplier Platform, to engage our supply chain regarding modern slavery risks.