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About This Report

Our Sustainability Report is an account of our sustainability performance during the 2022 reporting period (FY22), with limited assurance provided by Point Advisory.

This report includes discussion of our material sustainability matters and details our performance against our Sustainable Places Strategy. Where performance against a target has not been achieved (or is not in scope for the reporting period) an explanation is provided.

Our reporting boundaries are explained in the following section.
Throughout this report, we disclose our management approach to each of our Sustainable Places Strategy pillars of Climate Resilient Places, Healthy & Inclusive Places, Productive Places and Accountable & Collaborative Places.
This report is prepared in accordance with the Global Reporting Index Standards: Comprehensive option.

Reporting Requirements

The Landcom Corporation Act 2001 (NSW) requires us to report annually against our sustainability performance. The Act states we must adopt sustainability performance indicators that are benchmarked against international best practice.

After extensive community and industry consultation our Sustainable Places Strategy was finalised and endorsed by the Landcom Board in November 2017, and took full effect for Landcom during FY18.

Material Matters

This report identifies and discloses the material aspects of our operations in accordance with the GRI Standards. We have also mapped our material issues and Strategy targets to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. 

Materiality is an important process that informs how we do business. It provides insight into what our stakeholders value from our developments, and their expectations of the way we operate our organisation. 

We use the GRI’s Global Sustainability Standards Board standard, as well as the AA1000 Accountability Principles Standard (2018) in our approach to materiality. We apply GRI’s four-stage approach to materiality and boundary guidance, and we execute this approach with reference to the quality assessment adherence criteria for the AA1000 Principle of Materiality. 

Material Issues
What this means for Landcom

Managing our physical and transition risks to climate change across our communities and for our organisation.

What this means for Landcom

To future-proof our communities and business by adopting energy efficient and low carbon economy principles, focused on reduced energy demand and increased renewable energy production.

Addressed within Report
Climate Resilient Places
What this means for Landcom

To drive positive outcomes for our organisation, communities and stakeholders aligned to universal principles of human rights, emerging issues, diversity and inclusion.

What this means for Landcom

To create positive, cohesive and resilient communities that enable connection, mental and physical health, inclusion and safety.

What this means for Landcom

To enable diverse and affordable housing outcomes that support the needs of our customers and reduce the cost of living for members of our communities.

What this means for Landcom

To conserve and enhance our green and blue infrastructure, preserve natural resources wherever possible, and actively seek to reduce our impact on the natural environment.

What this means for Landcom

To collaborate, listen and involve stakeholders in creating a shared vision that is valued by those who interact in our communities.

Addressed within Report
Healthy & Inclusive Places
What this means for Landcom

To design and deliver our communities so they are connected by active and public transport options, and innovate to reduce private vehicle use.

Addressed within Report
Accountable & Collaborative Places
What this means for Landcom

To respect and acknowledge First Nations by considering the heritage and history of the land in and around our developments, and collaborate with indigenous communities for meaningful outcomes.

Addressed within Report
Accountable & Collaborative Places
What this means for Landcom

To engage, partner and innovate with our supply chain for shared value outcomes.

What this means for Landcom

To ensure local communities prosper and enable jobs, training, education and employment opportunities through our operations.

Addressed within Report
Productive Places

Our Sustainable Places Strategy

Our Sustainable Places Strategy with four Leadership Goals guides the way we deliver new communities. Our FY22 performance for each part of our strategy is accessible below.