Productive Places

New Approach to Research

Landcom’s new approach to research is purposefully designed to deliver on our Strategic Directions for housing, partnerships and affordability. The new approach prioritises outcomes-based research investments that help address gaps in how industry, academics and government are responding to key challenges in delivering affordable and sustainable housing.

We will form partnerships with others from industry, universities and government to fund and deliver solutions to these challenges. This will involve piloting solutions in both Landcom projects and where feasible, in our partner’s projects, monitoring outcomes and sharing the findings with research partners, government and industry more broadly to drive meaningful change. 


Partner with NSW Government agencies, Councils and State Owned Corporations

To pilot new policy and accelerate delivery of priorities E.g. Form agreements with Councils for the installation of air quality and urban heat monitors in Landcom developments

Council partnerships that leverage Government grants

Mutually beneficial research that aligns with funding available to Councils E.g. Partnership with Campbelltown City Council awarded grant for energy sharing research

Leveraging existing industry memberships

Consultancy funding and building on industry knowledge
E.g. Sustainability
membership supporting development of a carbon footprint calculator

Releasing market challenges to industry

To encourage innovation and leverage industry research E.g. Smart Energy Precinct Pitches


The FY23 research program will prioritise investments that support meeting the Climate Resilient Places goal in our sustainability strategy, being to enable carbon neutral, zero waste, water positive and net positive biodiversity outcomes by 2028. The new approach to research will prioritise projects that align with Landcom’s Strategic Directions and demonstrate relevance across multiple Landcom communities and the broader industry. This includes investigating ways to demonstrate leadership in housing diversity and affordability across our communities.